We asked Los Angeles based Photographer, Bentley Rolling to give us his thoughts on Gelato Cookies. Read his review below!

"I went down to one of my new favorite shops, The Pottery, to pick up an indica dominant hybrid called Gelato Cookies grown by Fade Co. It’s a cross between Sunset Sherbet and Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. The nugs are fluffy and forest green, with beautiful navy undertones. They are covered in frosty trichomes and long orange pistils. It’s an absolutely stunning strain.
When I opened the jar, my senses were met by a subtle earthy aroma. The terpenes I found most present were Humulene and Linalool. After the first hit, my palate was immersed in the floral flavor of Linalool. As I continued, I began to get the earthy aftertaste of Humulene. Like most indica dominant strains, the scent and flavor were understated, but the experience was quite the opposite.
'After the first hit, my palate was immersed in the floral flavor of Linalool. As I continued, I began to get the earthy aftertaste of Humulene.'

I just got a new puppy and as any dog owner can tell you, that is the most demanding time in a dog’s life. Before this session, I hadn’t slept much and was feeling a little stressed and run down. After my first hit, a feeling of full body relaxation washed over me. All tightness in my neck and back dissipated. That anxiety I had been feeling, slowly melted away. As I continued, my creativity ignited.

Any negative thoughts I’d previously been having, were replaced by a powerful sense of euphoric inspiration. I was able to block out the white noise of daily life and really focus on the project ahead. This is why I am such a huge fan of any Girl Scout Cookies phenotype. If you’re a naturally anxious person like myself, it has the ability to bring out the best in you. If you’re in the LA area, I highly recommend checking out Gelato Cookies!"